Somatic Psychotherapist | LMFT | Safe & Sound Provider

“Calm the Body, Calm the Mind”
“Unlearn to Relearn”
“Connection over Control”

1:1 Sessions | Therapy or Coaching

Leverage my expertise and professional skills to your advantage. Don’t delay your healing, become a client now!

I’m not a low-cost provider and I don’t work with insurance companies, although I can provide a superbill for you to receive your own out-of-network reimbursement.


Are you unsure if you need therapy or coaching services? Keep readin’! Therapy services are based on “medical necessity” standards meaning we address how your symptoms are impairing your functioning. Therapy requires diagnoses, assessments and very structured treatment plans addressing these symptoms.  Coaching, on the other hand, doesn’t involve medical necessity and diagnoses and treatment plans are optional. Coaching focuses on growth, encouragement & support in healing, inspiration and accountability. Therapy is limited to the states I’m licensed in (TX & CA), and coaching with me can be done nationwide. Some coaching clients also use my services for “life coaching,” or active, in-real-life support for life skills application. This kind of coaching is done in tandem with a therapist and Releases of Information are required so I might collaborate with the therapist. This coaching requires additional conversations and agreements, please let me know if you’re interested in “life coaching” services. If you’re interested in Kairos Coaching for Holistic Healing, either 1:1 or memberships, head here to learn more:


Regardless of whether you choose therapy or coaching, you’ll receive 50-90 minute individual sessions and learn powerful evidence-based tools, skills, and techniques (DBT, CBT, EMDR, SSP) to resolve self-doubt, depression, anxeity, or trauma wounds and build self-trust and intuition.  Individual sessions are $165-$250/session depending on length & modality used.


Modalities & Skills for both Therapy & Coaching:

DBT/CBT – I’m intensively trained using these evidence-based behavioral frameworks. CBT explores the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and actions while DBT adds to that a skills-acquisition approach using 5 practical modules.

EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitizaiton Reprocessing therapy is a trauma resolution treatment based on activating both hemispheres of the brain or “bilateral stimulation” (BLS). BLS has been demonstrated to assist in reducing “big” emotional disturbance in assocation with traumatic events.

Somatic Psychotherapy – blending somatic or body-based tools, concepts, and techniques alongside traditional talk therapy.

The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) – based on Polyvagal theory, this is a non-invasive and gentle way to stimulate the vagus nerve so increase a sense of safety, decrease auditory sensitivity, and improve emotional resilience through calming the central nervous system.

If You Need Help with Trauma Resolution

Common trauma responses include high levels of mistrust, fear, perceived threat, seeking to control to feel safe, self-doubt or problems with how you view yourself, disconnection, “not knowing how I feel,” with more serious experiences being nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of thinking about or recalling trauma experiences, intense emotional/psychological or physiological symptoms when “triggered.”

You’ll learn how to build healthy coping skills to manage these experiences so you experience less intense responses, ultimately you could even “notice” the triggers and not feel “out of it.”

If traumatic experiences feel like the title of your life’s book, we’ll work together to make it only a chapter.

If You Need Help with Religious Trauma Recovery

Religious trauma is defined by the Religious Trauma Institute and Reclamation Collective as “the physical, emotional, or psychological response to religious beliefs, practices, or structures that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope or return to baseline safety and stability.”

High-demand religious organizations (some churches and all cults) can be damaging in that they require and compel  ‘obedience’ to restrictive behaviors using shame and guilt. This can have lasting influences on psychological, social, relational, and sexual development.

If this is something relevant for you, you will receive support through the deconstruction process of unpacking these beliefs and practices and how they’ve impacted you. You’ll also receive support in the rebuilding or ‘reconstruction’ process identifying your personal values, beliefs, goals, wants, thoughts, and opinions to reclaim yourself.

If You Need Help with Inner Child Healing, Depression, Anxiety

Our “inner child” is that part of us which houses all our unmet childhood needs, wounds, core beliefs, and subconscious thoughts. This happens because our critical thinking brains weren’t fully developed yet, but our emotional/survival brain was and stored these experiences. This is why you might say, “I know (xyz) isn’t true, but it just feels that way.” This helps us understand how our inner child experiences are primarily emotional, not logical and can create feelings of guilt, shame, and confusion.

Unresolved childhood wounds lead to both depression and anxiety as both are processes of disconnection. If anxious, we learned to disconnect from overwhelming feelings or emotions, and instead began to overthink, over-solve, over-anticiate every possible scenario to ‘be prepared’ or ‘be safe.’ If depressed, we maybe felt far too overwhelmed to do all that prep and instead dropped into disconnection from people, withdrawal from activitites, hopelessness, and a sense of worthlessness.

I help by providing support with “reparenting” the inner child thorugh emotional processing skills, visualizations, and somatic (body-based) techniques. Over time, you’ll learn how to feel whole, compassioante, and connected to that younger version of yourself.

Books on Amazon

Self-reflective journals, boundary affirmations, Daily Dose of DBT, planners, and guided journals all designed with your healing in mind. Click here to check them out on Amazon.

Therapist Consultations

As a seasoned, mature therapist with over 30 years experience, I’m honored to share with other clinicians the knowledge, guidance, support, and wisdom taught to me.

I can provide professional consultation regarding:

  • Case Conceptualizations & Modality Implementation
  • Scheduling and Documentation Management
  • Therapeutic Relationship Factors
  • Self-Reflective/Process-oriented work with clients and colleagues
  • Risk Management

My consultation fee is $150/hour. Please contact me at if this interests you.


 If you are interested in a therapeutic, family intensive experience, please email me at for a consultation. 

Family Intensives can be weekends, full weeks in home as appropriate, or even monthly weekends.

The benefit of intensive experiences are: 

  • large blocks of focused, condensed time addressing your family’s individual struggles 
  • gain understanding into relational patterns and how to improve dysfunctional ones, emotional processing, and creating authentic connections
  • consistent guidance and direction, in real time
  • option of working with other highly specialized providers

Why Work With Me?

Welcome to SBMFT Services, where healing begins with connection and understanding. I’m a seasoned therapist with over 30 years experience specializing in helping clients heal trauma, religious trauma, grief & deconstruction, depression, and anxiety. As a somatic psychotherapist I blend BOTH body-based techniques like EMDR & SSP with traditional thinking skills like DBT/CBT to address your specific wounds and challenges.

My journey navigating the personal challenges of growing up in an alcoholic family system to becoming a board-certified psychotherapist has taught me the power of resilience, connection, and recovery. I believe in creating a therapeutic space that prioritizes your unique needs, ensuring a “fit” that fosters meaningful change. Let’s embark on this journey together, where your healing and wellbeing is our shared goal.

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