
Elevate Mentoring Membership (EMM) is a subscription service I’ve designed for therapists, coaches, and counselors looking to ‘elevate’ their clinical delivery of services with ready-made client resources (workbooks/worksheets) AND a Monthly Mentoring call for professional support. I’m offering this to you so you don’t have that sinking, “WTH are we doing in today’s session” feeling! You’ll receive approximately 100 tools, worksheets, workbooks available for download and distribution to your clients and a link for a live Mentoring Call with replay if needed. The emails will arrive every other week direct to your inbox with 1-3 ready-made, soul-centered client resources – Just print and hand them out! What could be better than solid resources AND mentoring for only $120/year!?


Elevate Mentoring Membership (EMM) is a yearly subscription service for therapists, coaches, and counselors, new or seasoned, looking for ready-made, integrative skills for clients. Integrative tools means synthesizing BOTH Evidence-based and Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) tools, skills, and resources to support the delivery of exceptional soul-centered healing services. You will need to determine which tools and techniques fit for your clientele.

For one year, you’ll receive emails every two weeks delivering approximately 100 powerful healing modalities. The evidence-based tools are pulled from CBT, DBT, Transactional Analysis, Somatics, and Narrative Therapy. The CAM healing supports include body-based and nature-centric experiences such as yoga/intuitive yoga, medicinal baths, nature bathing, energy and sound healing, and visualizations/meditations, etc. You and your clients will choose how to integrate the various modalities in any way that feels clinically appropriate.

You’ll also receive, as a bonus, a dynamic Client Resource Checklist so you can track which of the approximate 100 tools and skills you’ve received and/or used with your clients. As part of the subscription membership, you are free to make your own copy of the document and pass along to your clients, so they are collaborating as well.

For the Monthly Mentoring Call, we’ll tackle a variety of factors that are unique to “life as a therapist.” My goal here is to provide ongoing practical guides to increase your harmony and balance as a provider. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and overworked, my intention is to support healthy balance. Mentoring topics include case conceptualization practices, clinical insight development, productivity hacks and skills, schedule and practice management guides, countertransference, and more! Disclaimer: this is NOT legal supervision for licensing hours. This is optional colleague support and development – also known as mentoring.

For $120/year, that’s only $10/month (likely less than what you spend on Starbucks each month!)


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